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Press release: Evero welcomes CCUS Track 1 Expansion and is poised to invest further

20 December 2023

Evero Energy Group Limited (Evero) welcomes today’s announcement from the UK Government on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCUS) Track 1 expansion for the HyNet cluster.

Simon Hicks, CEO, said “This is great news for Evero, the North West and the UK’s transition to net zero. Evero has multiple projects across the North West of England that are eligible for this round of government support. Our pathfinder InBECCS project would generate as much as 250,000 tonnes of engineered carbon removals a year, once operational in 2029.

“Fitting CCUS across our wider portfolio would enable us to capture a million tons of carbon a year – making a material contribution towards the Government’s Greenhouse Gas Removals targets.”

The InBECCS project will be retrofitted on Evero’s Ince Bio Power site, a waste wood to energy facility located in the Protos energy park. Both InBECCS and its sister project at Mersey Bioenergy in Widnes have excellent proximity to the HyNet industrial cluster.

Greg Williams, Head of External Affairs at Evero, said

“Installing carbon capture on our Merseyside plants would deliver BECCS with excellent sustainability credentials at scale. Evero’s projects are the most sustainable form of BECCS, using locally sourced waste wood that would otherwise be landfilled or exported.[1]

“We have appointed Mitsubishi Heavy Industries as our technology partner. We have a sustainable, local feedstock. And our Ince plant needs no additional pipeline to connect to HyNet.[2] So we are optimistic for this Track 1 Expansion process.”

[1] BECCS that uses end of life wood products has been identified as the most sustainable form of BECCS in terms of GHG removed/avoided (tonnes CO2 e./area). See HMG, Biomass Strategy (2023), p. 133

[2] Ince Biopower is located adjacent to the Protos Energy Recovery Facility which was a shortlisted project in the original Track 1 process.


Press contacts:

Greg Williams – Head of External Affairs Evero Energy Group Limited

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]